World Renewal Ceremony

of the Ulilima Hatuhaha in the Moslem Village of Pelauw, Haruku Island 1974.

Close-up of dancer.

Close-up of dancer.

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Tarian Tenun, part of world renewal ceremony (35kb) Trance dance plaza between Baileu and Mesjid (Pelauw).  (30kb) Close-up of dancer. (24kb) Dancer with Parang (machete) which he bent when trying to stab himself. No injuries result if in pure state.  (29kb)
Adat officials inspect bent parangs. (31kb) Adat officials watching dances from Baileu. (41kb) From left to right: Boetje Balthazar (research assistant of Bartels), Dieter Bartels, Bapak Duba Latuconsina, unknown village official. (35kb) Raja Duba Latuconsina, former Raja of Pelauw. (27kb)
Group of Adat dignitaries. (24kb) Mesjid (mosque) in traditional 3-tiered Hatuhaha Style. (32kb) Keramat: Sacred graves of Moslem saints. (26kb) Keramat detail. (31kb)